Kaazing technology is helping to protect the citizens of Indonesia through InWARE, a country-specific version of our customer Pacific Disaster Center’s (PDC) DisasterAWARE platform for providing smart natural hazard intelligence.
Increasing awareness of disaster preparedness—making sure decision makers at every level know about life-saving tools and resources—is the impetus for PDC’s partnership project with Indonesia’s national disaster management organization, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). The first of its kind for Indonesia, PDC helped launch a national publicity campaign promoting the use of the country’s InAWARE system for early warning and multi-hazard monitoring. Designed to reach disaster management personnel employed by BNPB and their subnational disaster management counterpart, BPBD, the campaign is aimed at increasing awareness and use of InAWARE within all 34 provinces that govern more than 14,000 islands and protect over 300 million people.
This short video was made to help people understand InAWARE’s capabilities:
The custom software system InAWARE, powered by PDC’s DisasterAWARE platform, was first deployed in partnership with the Government of Indonesia under funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Foreign Disater Assistance (USAID/OFDA) in 2014.
Kaazing is proud to provide commercial global organisations with access to the same level of hazard intelligence through their partnership with PDC. Find out more about DisasterAWARE Enterprise and how it can help protect people, property and production.